The Real Stubborn Unicorn

Returning with Wings Unfurled

Sean Ireland Season 2 Episode 3

Emerging from a cocoon of hiatus, I've spread my wings to soar into the podcasting sky once more! Journey with me as I recount the liberation dance post-pandemic, the profound metamorphosis through bodybuilding, and the technicolor tapestry of life with Heymar, who's woven his rich Mexican heritage into our shared narrative. As your host of "The Real Stubborn Unicorn," I'm back to fill your ears with tales of travel and transformation, insights from the life coaching trenches, and cultural celebrations that sparkle with the vibrancy of diversity.

Imagine a monthly rendezvous where "The Kween's Consort" (my other podcast Channel)  feature takes center stage, promises of laughter, learning, and the occasional tear, all while in the company of extraordinary individuals like Fallon, who's ready to spill the secrets of life coaching's transformative power. This is more than a podcast; it's the heartbeat of a hearty reunion, and your virtual seat alongside us comes with a front-row view into the richness that life has to offer. So, let's not just catch up—let's leap forward together into a symphony of stories and experiences that await in the episodes to come.

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Speaker 1:

hi guys, so welcome back to my podcast, the real stubborn unicorn. God, so much has happened since I've last been on here. I just realized that my last podcast recording was January 18th, 2022. I can't believe like two years and several months has gone by since I last recorded for you guys. But, guys, there's been so much going on in my life so I'm back. I'm excited. I've got lots of new material coming up, lots of guests coming up on the show. You guys have all been so great in the past listening to my previous episodes. I get weekly updates from my podcast host, who shows me that people are still listening, even though the podcast episodes are over two years now. But anyways, I'm back, so I don't want to digress anymore and let's get back into it.

Speaker 1:

So, since 2022, we finished up, of course, the pandemic and thank God that's over. Oh my God, living here in Canada was crazy. Thank God that's over. Oh my God, living here in Canada was crazy. My US friends they only kind of had that lockdown early on, but we had several Sorry, we had several throughout the pandemic through that kind of 2020 to 2023 period. So I'm just I'm glad that that's all done with um, that people are still here that we learned, um, how to properly get through a pandemic and uh, yeah, so, anyway, let's not talk about that anymore. That's in the past. Uh, from now on we're going forward. We're going to look, um, at some of the things that I will have upcoming and we're going to record some episodes on that. So let's see, let's get you updated on what I've been doing the last two years. Well, I've been doing a lot of traveling just around the US, especially where things have opened up again and you can move around freely. So I wanted to kind of make up for that two-year time period where I lost out on visiting friends and traveling and being able to comfortably go into spaces again. So, yeah, so let's see what else I've been doing. Well, I started bodybuilding. I'm very excited about that. I'm working with my friend Shannon Shannon Luscher. She was on a previous episode of the Real Stubborn Unicorn and since then I've been working with her just trying to put on some muscle mass, trying to balance out things a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I do love physical fitness and so you know, I did CrossFit for years. I really enjoyed it, but I just needed to move away from that style near my home that I work out in and it has kind of all the equipment that I need for bodybuilding and it's a. It's a small setting and everybody's super nice there. So I really like going to that gym and when all else fails, you can find me at a various planet fitness, whether it's here in my hometown of Windsor, ontario, or if I'm traveling throughout the U S? Um. So you know, I really enjoy planet fitness. Um Uh. Gyms are always very clean, they're usually easy to find, there's lots of them around in the cities that I visit Um, and of course, I only pay one uh fee, a black card fee, and that gives me access to any planet fitness around the world. So that's usually where I'm going when I'm traveling. So, yeah, so I've done pretty good with that. I'm putting on some muscle mass, my arms have gotten bigger, my chest, my back, my shoulders, my booty, so all those kind of important areas, so I've been really enjoying that.

Speaker 1:

I also have a new person in my life. I've been seeing a wonderful, wonderful man. His name is Amar and we spell that H-E-Y-M-A-R, but in Spanish they don't pronounce the H, so it's Amar. Amar's from Mexico and he moved to Windsor over a year ago and we've been dating for about 10 months now, so it's been great. He's so much fun. I love learning all about his culture. I love learning all about Mexico and how wonderful it is, and I really, really want to go there one day and visit, and not do the beaches and hang out at resorts. I want to be amongst the people. I want to go, check out all the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful cultural areas that they have and witness some of their festivities, some of their traditions and learn more about their culture. So it's been great. You know, these 10 months have been great. We're always learning something about, something new about each other every day, and Amar said that he has some interest in coming on to the podcast, so we will have him come featured in an upcoming episode. So I'm excited about that.

Speaker 1:

I think that you and me and him, we can all learn some new things, but especially you guys. I think that sometimes in our head we have a picture of what we think Mexico is and who Mexicans are, and I did have a little bit of that myself, which is unfortunate because, as a white person, we kind of, you know, come up to our own conclusions. We hear stories, those kind of things. So I really want to dispel a lot of those rumors and those kind of ideas. So I definitely want him coming up on the show so you can learn about all the wonderful things that I have learned since I've been dating a man of Mexican descent. So, yes, I'm excited to have him coming up and doing that.

Speaker 1:

I've also recently been doing some life coaching with my friend Fallon. She's going to university now, working on her second degree, and has decided that she would like to specialize in life coaching. So I've been doing a little bit with a little bit of that with her, and she will be coming up on an upcoming episode as well too, and we'll talk a little bit about the difference between life coaching and therapy, how they differ, why one works better than the other and just how well it worked for me. And really, you know, to be honest with you guys, that's really you know, with the podcasting thing, one thing you're going to learn about me is that I really really get inside of my head all the time and though I love recording, because in the past you know I was doing YouTube stuff and YouTube is, you know, for a guy, my age I mean, I'm 48 now and it's tricky all that kind of recording and editing and getting stuff up onto the internet and the web so you guys can watch it and providing you quality and all those kinds of things it just it really wasn't my forte. And now, since doing the podcast, I really love it because, as you can tell, I love to talk and I love sharing things that go on in my life. I love having my friends come on the show as well and talk about all their experiences and sharing all their talents and all those kind of things with you guys as well. So podcasting is really something that I enjoy and I really really want to get back into it. But what you know kind of what happened was I just get inside my head. So I think, like I'm putting out this stuff and I'm like, do people really want to listen to it? Am I wasting my time? You know, should there be this? Should it be this way? Should I have more of this? Should I have more of this? Should I have that? So I just get so overwhelmed with everything I decide not to do anything and hence why there's been this two-year hiatus.

Speaker 1:

But since linking up with Fallon and doing some life coaching and we talked about some of my passions that I have and why my podcast was on hold, and we talked about ways to get back into it. And we talked about ways to get back into it, to not overthink, to just record, and that's what people want to hear on podcasts they just want to hear your story. So you know I'm back and you know one of the things she wanted me to do was to start listening to a podcast that I would really, really enjoy. And I've been listening to Shannon Doherty's podcast, let's Be Clear, which I love, and I've always been a fan of Shannon Doherty, way back from 90210, watched her on Charmed and just followed her throughout the years, and, of course, now she's battling her stage four cancer, which is now spread into the brain. So I just think that Shannon Doherty is going to be around forever and she's going to beat this, and I'm just excited that she is sharing her story and she's sharing her side of it so that you know it dispels all the rumors that we've heard about what's happened on 90210 and what happened on Charmed and why she left. So one thing I've been noticing is she just talks about anything Like she had her mom come on for a podcast episode and they just talked about kind of Christmas memories of when Shannon was a kid and what it was like to be at home and getting the tree decorated, and it was a short 20-minute podcast and I'm thinking like, really, this woman is just talking about anything and that's really all I want to do. So I got to get out of my head and not think that every podcast episode has to leave some lasting impression on people. Sometimes it's just you talking, just a voice out there, someone who maybe is going through a similar experience or sharing something that I've gone through in my life. So I got to remember those are the things that people want to listen to in podcasts.

Speaker 1:

I feel that over my 48 years of life I've had some wonderful experiences. I've had some ups and downs, I've met some amazing people and I've been very fortunate. I don't regret my life at all. I've really, really, really had a privileged life, not financially, but spiritually, emotionally, physically. I really, really, really have wonderful, wonderful people in my life and I was just talking about this with a friend the other day that you know, one of my friends says that you lack empathy and I had to do some research into why I lack empathy.

Speaker 1:

I have sympathy but I don't have empathy, and I think a lot of it in my life. When I look back on it is just because I've been buffered from a lot of traumatic experiences in my life, whether it's through family or friends or just being street smart or whatever, and I haven't had to go through a lot of things that my friends have had to go through. So you know, it was. It's hard for me sometimes to be empathetic because of that. So, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but you know, it's just.

Speaker 1:

You know, when people say that to me, I say well, yeah, you know, I've. I've been fortunate, I have some amazing people in my life who buffer me and protect me from those kind of things, and I've been very fortunate. So, to each of you know, to each and every one of you and you all know who you are, who are out there listening, I'm so thankful to have all of you in my life. So thank you very much. You've made my life very enriched, very wonderful, very exploratory, and I'm just excited for the next 60 years on this earth because you know I'm going to live forever, of course. So there's lots of advances in modern medicine and I love life, so I want to live forever and that's really my goal, right Through physical fitness, through hanging out with very positive people and doing activities that I love, and one of them, of course, is podcasting. So you know, guys, I'm back, I'm going to try to do at least a couple episodes a month.

Speaker 1:

I do have another podcast that I'm working with my friend, michelle Legere. It's called the Queen's Consort, so you can check that one out as well. We have some great episodes that we've recorded on there. That is the Queen. So that's K-W-E-E-N the Queen's Consort. And check that one out. You will see me, or you won't see me, but you will hear me and Michelle talking about a lot of things, kind of with our travel experiences, anything that's LGBTQ, we like to talk about and tackle those things. Michelle is an ally, of course, of the community and I love to just kind of bounce things back and forth off of her, and likewise to me. So check out the Queen's Consort if you have not heard that one to me, so check out the Queen's Consort if you have not heard that one. And, of course, just you know, stay in tune, stay in touch with the real stubborn unicorn.

Speaker 1:

Guys, I'm sorry I'm rambling here today.

Speaker 1:

I'm just, you know, excited to get back into this.

Speaker 1:

My thoughts are kind of all over the place. I just want to get an episode recorded. So you know that I'm okay, that I'm still out there, that I'm back, that I want to record a couple episodes a month for you guys. The Queen's Consort will have one episode a month.

Speaker 1:

We would or I would love to have more guests come on to the Real Stubborn Unicorn and we've got some exciting guests coming up for that. So please stay tuned, please click the notification on your podcast here so that way you don't miss an episode. And, guys, I just want to say thank you for hanging in there. Today is just a short episode, just to be back into the loop. Let you know I'm okay, let you know I'm going to be recording some more episodes. So stay tuned, click the notification button and, wherever you are, I want you to just be happy. I want you to be healthy and I want you to turn to somebody that you love and tell them that you love them today. And, guys, thank you for listening and I will be back very soon on the Real Stubborn Unicorn. Stay tuned.